Opportunities for CIS Procurements

Requests for Services/Proposals

Qualified Health Insurance Actuary RFP

CIS is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide actuarial services to CIS for our self-funded medical, dental, vision, and pharmacy plans as well as assist in developing and setting rates for CIS' health plans. The deadline for submitting proposals is 5:00 p.m. (PT) on March 28, 2025.

Addendum to RFP for Qualified Health Insurance Actuary

CIS is issuing this Addendum to the RFP to respond to written questions we received from potential proposers by the question deadline. The Addendum modifies the original RFP document only to the extent indicated. All other areas of the original RFP remain in effect and can only be modified in writing by CIS. This Addendum is made an integral part of the original RFP.  The deadline for submitting proposals is 5:00 p.m. (PT) on March 28, 2025.