CIS Benefits is committed to partnering with you to develop and promote healthy work cultures and successful worksite wellness programs. 
CIS Benefits wellness grants continue to be based on best practices. Grants are intended to fund wellness programs and activities that have the most significant impact on fostering good workplace cultures and encouraging employees to make healthy lifestyle changes.
As always, the Benefits Team is available to help you develop your wellness best practices and answer any questions your group has as you begin your wellness grant application. 

Wellness Grants

Please note that these grant programs are only available to employers that offer medical benefits through CIS, and the funds are intended to be used equitably for the employees on those plans. 


Wellness Grant Overview

Like CIS Risk Management incentive programs or premium discounts, groups requesting grant funds must have an updated worksite wellness best practice policy to qualify for any wellness grant funds. This policy should evolve each year and be revised each year that it is submitted to CIS for grant funds.
Click here for an overview of each tier and its requirements.
Wellness Grant Requirements – Step 1
Click here to submit your updated wellness best practices policy for a level 1 application. You will need to do this in addition to step 2 listed below.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 require engagement in BeyondWell. To request a subgroup report from BeyondWell, email BeyondWell with the below message and cc your CIS Benefits Representative.
Subject: BeyondWell Subgroup Report Request
Body: Please email me a new subgroup report for BeyondWell engagement. I am from _________________ (insert your employer name here). 
Wellness Grant Requirements – Step 2
Step 2 requires that you promote SurgeryPlus. You can send out the link to our SurgeryPlus webinar. (Requires login for the CIS Learning Center). Please let us know if you would like flyers or other promotional materials. The CIS Learning Center will track who has participated in watching the entire webinar and who provides CIS Benefits with that report to validate qualification for the grant.
Wellness Policy Requirement for ANY Grant Funding: 
Must have a current or recently updated (within the past year) Wellness Policy in place describing how your workplace fulfills the following three wellness best practices:
  1. Top management supports both worksite wellness activities and a well workplace culture.  The policy should address “how” Management supports a well worksite. Policy examples could include:
  • Time off or flexibility during a work day for exercise or to attend a wellness event
  • Use of employer intranet to post appropriate wellness messages or events
  • Wellness bulletin boards available throughout the workplace
  • Healthy food choices at meetings or in vending machines
  • Managers & supervisors attend wellness events, etc.
  1. An active Wellness Committee (or coordinator for smaller groups). A Wellness Committee may be blended with a Safety Committee. Policy should address: 
  • How committee members are selected
  • How often the committee meets
  • Committee goals or responsibilities
  • Time allowed during the workday to meet, etc.
  1. Commitment to attend Benefits open enrollment meetings/webinars.  The policy should state at least one key Management/Human Resources staff person attends CIS Benefits open meetings in-person or via webinar. 


Levels of Grant Funding

Level 1: Basic Worksite Wellness Funds
A basic level of funding is available to promote worksite wellness and well-cultures.  Programs or other wellness resources must apply to and benefit the maximum number of employees possible.  Members decide how to use these funds to match employee interests and needs best.
Funds available depend on the number of active employees covered by a CIS medical plan.  Refer to the below chart to determine your group’s Level 1 grant amount.   
  1. Worksite Wellness policy in place and updated each year to indicate the changes implemented from the previous year's submission and how the CIS grant funds were used (if applicable). Submit at the time of application.
  2. Complete application process
  3. Executive Officer/Official for your entity must certify management support of wellness policies and programs as part of the grant process.
Click here to submit your wellness policy. Or, visit the CIS Benefits Portal (login required). 
Either grant level may be submitted until Dec. 15, 2025. To be eligible for maximum funding, early applications are recommended. Available funds are on a first-come, first-served basis.

COMING SOON - Wellness Resources HUB

Screening Grant Overview

CIS Benefits continues to support employee worksite screening to encourage individual involvement in wellness and health management.  Click the link above to read about our Matching Screening Grant program, and to get the application process started.

Health Fair Grant Overview

CIS Benefits supports our members' efforts to increase employee knowledge of wellness resources and services available as part of the employee benefits package.  Click the link above to read about how CIS will support your efforts to have a Health/Benefits fair.  CIS will support member health/benefit fairs with matching grants of up to a $500 maximum every two years.  The application can also be found at the link above.