Risk Management Consultants [RMCs] support CIS members in aggressively managing their risk through the delivery of products and services specifically designed to prevent or mitigate claims, and keep member contributions affordable.
Each Consultant is assigned a geographic area of responsibility and acts as the central contact on safety and loss control issues, including coordination with specialists in benefits, wellness, ergonomics, and outside vendors. The RMCs bring the resources of CIS to the table, working with the member and its agent/risk management advisor to deliver training, information, and risk management assistance.
Utilizing a multi-line or “global” approach to evaluating risk, Consultants meet with member entities to identify hazards through physical inspection, best practice evaluation, and analysis of claims history.
Physical inspection
RMCs provide on-site physical hazard inspection of members’ property and equipment, acting on member inquiries, at underwriting direction, or proactively addressing the statutory service guidelines.
Evaluation of best practices
Developed from nationally accepted standards, dozens of risk pools similar to CIS across the country, and CIS’ experience in public sector risk in Oregon, the Best Practices survey is comprised of seven major sections and 20 sub-sections addressing 129 specific practices, programs and processes.
Analysis of claims history
Preventing or mitigating future claims involves looking at the past. Detailed loss statistics, including loss ratios and graphs are used to identify trends and opportunity for focused loss control efforts.
Development of a focused Risk Management Plan with governing body and agent/broker
Consideration is given to the member’s geographic location, population and resources available when making risk control recommendations based on any of the above evaluations, and when developing training programs. Through the formation of a Risk Management Plan, Consultants identify realistic goals and timelines, and identify tools and resources to meet loss control objectives. Risk Management Plans are created with input from the member and risk management advisor and are updated each fiscal year