SAIF & CIS Servicing Group

Responsive to the unique needs of cities and counties

CIS' Workers' Compensation services are focused on "people first" by preventing claims through risk management services and helping injured workers return to work quickly.

CIS has partnered with SAIF to provide workers’ compensation coverage to CIS members starting July 1, 2021.

The agreement includes an overarching servicing group, of which CIS staff provides safety and health services. SAIF has a new discount (OGSERP) group within the servicing group for cities and counties that meet the underwriting eligibility criteria.

Members will receive the best of both worlds, being insured by SAIF and receiving safety and health services from CIS’ public entity experts.

By joining the CIS Servicing Group, members get the best coverage and service at the best price.

  • Any member of LOC or AOC — including those currently with SAIF or CIS — can participate.

  • CIS will provide expert risk management, loss control, and training that’s tailored to the needs of Oregon’s cities and counties.

  • SAIF will be the workers’ compensation carrier and provide financial strength, coverage, and claims management services.

  • All current CIS members will be offered SAIF coverage.

  • CIS and current SAIF members are eligible to obtain risk management service from CIS for the 2021-2022 Fiscal year.

  • Participants may be eligible to participate in an extra OGSERP discount*.

  • CIS Property/Liability members who participate in the CIS Service Group will receive a 5% multiline discount on their property/liability premium.

  • Participants in the CIS Service Group will receive $2 million of employers’ liability in the CIS Liability Coverage Agreement.


*OGSERP Discount
  • A signed CIS Servicing Group Enrollment Form is required at policy inception.

  • SAIF has established the eligibility criteria for the OGSERP discount.

  • SAIF underwriters will review each CIS Servicing Group member's experience to determine if eligible for an additional OGSERP discount. 


SAIF News Release

Member FAQ

Agent FAQ

CIS Servicing Group Enrollment Form

Rapid Care Hotline

Questions? If you are interested in receiving a quote for CIS Workers' Compensation coverage, contact your Agent of Record.
